Well its finally da day where i have 2 day goodbye to you.You're going so far away to study and i noe its the best choice 4 urself but as long as u dun ever forget me.
Although we have gone our seperate ways for quite some time already but i'm still not used to it.Im letting go my feelings now.6 years some might say a very short time but who knows wat will happen in the future.I had a very great time when i WAS with u and if i could turn back time i would.Evrything is clear now when i knew u were leaving.Now im going to tell why i left u.U were going off to college and for sure there will be more gals better then me.I was afraid that u might find some1 new and neglect me.Thats why i decided to leave u 1st.I was also right.Not long after we were over,u already had some1 new in ur life.U forgotten all bout me and i think thats the best way to live ur life.I even turned down another guy who liked me and asked me THE question after a few months we broke.But maybe now also i regreted it.In fact many things i've regreted in my life.All i can say now is that i wish u all da best as a good fren and i will always be there 4 u as a fren also.I'll try not to think of u for this past 6 years but i will be waiting to see u again if i ever have the chance.For now i have lots to do including SPM!Hope to see u after 6 years or mayb when u come back during the holidays.*Case closed*(end of this topic until the next 6 years)