Monday, December 28, 2009
Highlights of 2009
~Worked as a teacher helper in Cambridge Kindergarten(1st Job)
~Went for driving lessons
~Done with working!
~Got SPM results
~Passed JPJ driving test
~Off to National Service,Sabah!
~Holidays in KK, Sepitang, Tanjung Aru, and Labuan!
~M16 training and shooting
~Back from National Service
~Bought new HP =)
~New glasses
~Watched Transformers 2:with Family
~Gathering with NS people
~Started college: Taylor's Subang
~Watched Iced Age 3: with Natalie
~International Dance Competition: Shangri-La Hotel
~CPU dress up week
~NS friends reunioun
~High school friends reunion
~Dhamirah's Raya open hs
~Wedding dinner
~ISU presentations
~CPU exams
~CPU exams con't
~Primary school friends gathering
~Grandma's Birthday celebration
~Movie with Dhamirah and Bro
~New Year's Eve!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Moving On
Live still has to move on even though the sun rises and sets in it's direction. Old relationship dies fast and new ones are easily built. I wont be easily saddened by such phenomenons - waste of time =P
I'm tougher than I actually look! HEHE!
So last day of college classes was 25th November. Fun yet sad at the same time as we get to be together in the same class for 1 hour and 15 minutes only for each class. Below are class pictures for every class with the teacher..
First picture : Computer Science Class (10.30am to 11.45am)
Second picture : Accounting Class (11.45am to 1.00pm)
Third Picture : English 3U Class (2.15pm to 3.30pm)

My exam started on Monday (30th Nov) and ended on Thursday (3rd Dec). Overall I think I did fairly good in computer science but for english, it was a little out. Interpreted the poem wrongly =S
Accounts I just filled up any questions with an answer hoping that the teacher will give me some pitiful marks..haha! End of Canadian Pre-U First Semester. Results will be elaborated on..*fingers crossed! @.@
Wait a minute! Its so boring! Miss classes so much =(
You can guess where i spent most of my home! No problem to me actually but going out on and off is better. Finally 9th December, I met up with my primary school friends who some of them I haven't met in almost 10! Divanesh, Satheesh, Audrey Ho, James Teoh, Pravin, Arrawinthen, Christopher made it a day to cherish. Coincidentally, it was also Audrey's birthday! All of us watched movie which was a last minute decision. Hail to the comedic and corny Couple's Retreat which brought everyone in the whole theater to a unforgettable laughter =)

Happy Birthday Ama! (Dad's side)~ Celebrated on Friday (11th Dec) but I have to idea when is the actual birthday date =S
So sorry! The whole family (excluding some relatives who are residing in Penang and Kuantan that didn't make it) went for seafood in Telok Gong, Klang. Yummy food I tell you..LOL. The birthday cake was Coffee Cheese, not too bad and at least its something different than the one usually ordered, Chocolate Supreme. Ama gave out Ang Pau's to EVERYONE after the cake cutting 'ceremony'. I know not all grandmothers do that but what can I say? My grandma is one in a million! =P hmm lets see how often she does that to me..Chinese New Year, me leaving for NS, me getting good results, my birthday, her birthday, and also when we're out in shopping malls (not often). But whatever it is..XOXO to my beloved grandma.
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