Since the holidays are so boring, it made me think a lot! Mostly on what to do today, later and tomorrow. But now, I've got something great in mind. Some artsy stuff! I have so many pictures taken with friends who I love and I am going to develop most of them. Decided to hang some of them on the walls of my room according to the timeline maybe? (If i can remember). If you do not get what I mean, here are a couple of ideas which I won't be following exactly.
Cant wait to visit the artsy shop soon to see what I can get out of it =D I wonder what patterns I should paint on the walls. Hehe. Thinking big yet simple! To start this project of, I shall need some steps to follow.
1. Choose pictures that I want to develop
2. Brainstorm arrangements for the wall
3. Find nice templates of patterns online
4. Get materials
5. Start painting
6. Hang those pictures as I envisioned! =D