Monday, June 29, 2009
SATURDAY,27th June-
My day kicks off early in the morning,just to go down to Klang(my hometown)to visit both my grandmothers.Had lunch then went home straight.Refreshed myself n then me n my family headed to taylor's college,Subang to pay my education fees.Next,Taylor's in Leisure Commerce Square for my bro's fees.Then,yahoo!Time to go watch transformers 2 in Cineleisure=D It's a 6.15pm movie,added the commercials and movie trailers,it ended at 8.55pm.My review bout the movie would be~
The movie gives u mixed emotions like suspence,humour,sadness,and excitement^^No regrets watching it i tell u..hehe!Latest dinner we had after tat then time to go home!such a relieve cos im so sleepy!A day of totally on the move all the time..i like tat=P
SUNDAY,28th June-
NS frens gathering!Natalie's kind enough to accompany me=)Thx so much!Those who joined was
Hui Ling,Angeline,Jia Lin,Dugong,Durian,Edward,Kelvin,Hau and Derek..
Our last minute movie we went ot watch was The Last House on The Left.Its kinda violent but when u're sitting next to Durian n Natalie,u cant help but to laugh at evn the most sickening parts=s after the movie,there were some parts that we evn wonder around like we're lost in directions>.< Wasted time doing tat..At last we ended up in Pizza Hut.finished with it then time to say buh bye!Me n nat went shopping around 4 a while before goin home by taking the train.We managed to get a bag(for college)and a pair of shoes.Bought train tickets just like a sakai a trying to figure out which platfom we're suppose to be at.Got fed up with tat so i decided to ask the guard on duty,n by the time we got down the stairs,the train was just leaving!!!IF only i'd asked earlier then it wont cost us 20 minutes of waiting for the next train.It only arrived at 8.49pm.Frustrating but yet helpless=( dropped off at KL Central and changed platform again,this time we got it perfectly ryte.*claps* for ur both..LOL!We got a place to sit as there weren't many ppl in the snake like transport.Really relieved for that cos i couldnt stand anymore.Evn if i hav to walk anymore,i would just hav to crawl.Tats how exausted i was.I think tat applies to Natalie as well=P Daddy picked both of us up from the Batu Tiga train station and mummy including Angel came along as well.Home sweet home!~END~
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day!!
Bought my dad this Bohemian Crystal vase cos he likes collecting it(other than Swarovski Crystals which I cant afford yet=S)Anyway,he has tans of it alrdy.Haha!Other than Father's Day,there sure are birthdays~"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to Jazz and Edward!^^So,both my parents came home at 6.45pm,just like what I've estimated.Went out for dinner with my grandma,uncle and aunty+my cousin's lil son=P 2day's funny thing is bout my bro's black Carlsberg shirt that he got from Penang.The black colour sticks to his body n just poke the shirt with ur finger,it'll just tear easily=_="Wat type of shirt is tat?Lol.Exactly 1 week from 2day,the Ns members will have a gathering means im joining.Gotta convince my dad to let me drive to Megamall!!Mum alrdy disapproved it..She's so not confident with my driving=( Neh,she's just too strict also!Gimme a break,im just a beginner..But of course i wont wanna go to megamall taking the train all by myself although nat MIGHT be coming along.Im sure she wont wanna take the train too.Dun really noe where to stop n all..mite get lost@.@Owh well..wish me luck=P
Saturday, June 20, 2009
New Moon(my version)
If u have been reading the sequel to twilight,then u'll noe wat i mean.Muahahaha!Indirectly promoting that book?Kind off=P I've found my own Jacob Black and still on the search for my vry own Edward Cullen.Lol.Personally ask me who if u really wanna noe^^Hmm,tat should do for the opening..
19th June~Happy b'day to my NS frens,Durian(lamest evr) n Dugong!mum n dad left for Kuala Terengganu for my cousin's wedding.So its just me and my bro at home.My whole load of work started then.Keeping clothes,folding them,preparing ingredients,and the best part was cooking.Natalie came to join me eating mutton curry,sardine sambal,and fried vege.haha!Then,we moved on to exploring my closet.Before we started watching movies,I had to clear up the mess my bro left with all the dishes unwashed in the sink.While washing n chatting wit nat,the soapy foam splashed to her shirt!N it stained her brilliant white shirt=(That added on to our activities of the night.So here we did some experiment to vanish the stain=P STEP 1-generously put some colour bleach on the affected area while scrubbing it with a brush.STEP 2-Soak it as long as Bride Wars movie.Haha!STEP 3-after the movie,check on the shirt and this time soak it in normal soap powder n scrub more!STEP 4-now,leave it as long as Another Cinderella Story movie.Im not joking=D STEP 5-after the movie,ur now ready to wash off the soap n hang dry the shirt.Look!Its just 5 simple steps.N it took us till 12 something to be done with all those steps just for A shirt.Nat went home while her shirt hung in my hs to dry..
20th June~got to feed my dog who's miserable cos my mum's away>.< did my method n stuffs to convince it and finally after 30 mins,it 1am alrdy.Slept in mum's room with air cond for the first time while reading New Moon n chatting with another fren.Snoozed off only at 3am.Once in a while its ok!Set my alarm at 6.45am so that i can wake up n off the porch light.Lame!Of cos i did go back to sleep;P Whole day went on n Jazz visited me from afternoon till 4.45pm.Got ready to go out for dinner nearby cos mum only allowed me driving nearby without her.Fortunately there's a new restaurant tat opened recently while i was in NS.Pizza San Francisco!Western food after a long long time.XD.And right now im sitting in front of the computer screen posting this blog..Ta da!!!=)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sweet Tooth=P
One of my favs in life!
These are the few chocolates bought from Labuan and till now it hasnt been touched yet..Just too precious to finish all of them in a short time ya?Anyway,Im really sure tat all these chocs will be in my fridge 4 quite some time since I've gained some weight alrdy and the chocs would probably add more!Chocs in Labuan are really cheap in fact some u cant evn find some here.I guess so=S
Monday, June 15, 2009
1st Ever Outing(with fren) in 2009

On friday(12th June) Nat and I were suppose to have dinner out at a restaurant but plans changed cos my dad wanna take me to buy my new HP.Lol.However,it was better as Nat came along with Diane.We took quite some time to decide which model to pick.Actually i liked this model(W705) when i 1st saw it tat time n finally it was mine!Didn't think my dad would buy it for me as it was a lil pricey.But THX daddy=D Had some time to linger around for a moment then for supper,daddy decided to treat us at Pizza Hut.Reminds me of Fiza in NS=P Nat and I had a last min plan to go out for movies in Sunway..So Sunday's the day(14th June).Since last year after SPM I've not been out with any frens>.< hehe!We watched Drag Me To Hell at 11.45am and Night At the Museum at 2.45pm.Both shows we enjoyed so much.As for the horror movie,I almost gave up watching it just at the beginning of the movie!1st time watching horror in the cinemas.Good experience=P After our 2nd movie,we went around walking and looking at wat's nice and mostly XD I've been quite good alrdy yesterday..nvr spent much cos i really had to control my expenses.I've used up Rm45 just to develop pics from NS,prom,graduation,etc.Then another Rm40+ for personal grooming,Rm48 for books and gifts..Back to the original story,my parents came to pick Nat and I up at 7.30pm and went for dinner at a porridge steamboat restaurant.That covers the whole day i guess.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Hello 2 My Old New Blog!

Wow!My last post was a year ago..wat hav i been doin u might ask.haha!If it wasnt for DURIAN's blog alarm aka reminder all the time i wont update it at all=P So thank him if u find this post interesting!I doubt it anyway since it has been a long time after all.OK..recently i just return from my national service training allocated in Papar,Sabah.Exactly the same camp as my elder bro^^Well I'll roughly make a conclusion bout wat happened in camp.19th March to be exact was the departure to sabah,i tried keeping things positive.Strangers evrywhere n of course u'll just hav to find a space to fit in somewhere.1st night was tougher than i thought.Sleeping in a dorm which consists of fully mandarin speaking gals.LOL.That time really dunno them tats y boring le.L8er on only we became good frens(Angeline and Jia Lin)=D Alpha company was wat i wanted from the beginning and i got it.Class name in skol was also tat.haha!So can say i got `jodoh' wit tat.Training evrything was fine,and all classes were also ok.Sometimes would wanna snooze off but couldnt.Scared teacher would just wake u up in a humiliating manner.haha>.< Along the way,there's always time 4 us frens to bond and get closer.Eg;my roomies which i really miss now.All they hav done for me,all the laughter n tears we shed makes us inseparable.(Hui Ling,Ain,Undong,Suzana,Ira(MC Donald's girl=P),Zal,Eqa,and Su)Best dorm evr!DORM 6^^Activities I did there was the one's i've nvr expected myself to overcome.Shooting,marching,flying fox,kembara halangan,kayaking and cooking by the river.Of course u wont have the chance to do it at home.So here's 1 good point of NS.Running out of ideas now=_="This is wat i dread most in writing blogs..hehe!But u do get the picture overall in NS dun u?Faham faham only le!
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