On friday(12th June) Nat and I were suppose to have dinner out at a restaurant but plans changed cos my dad wanna take me to buy my new HP.Lol.However,it was better as Nat came along with Diane.We took quite some time to decide which model to pick.Actually i liked this model(W705) when i 1st saw it tat time n finally it was mine!Didn't think my dad would buy it for me as it was a lil pricey.But THX daddy=D Had some time to linger around for a moment then for supper,daddy decided to treat us at Pizza Hut.Reminds me of Fiza in NS=P Nat and I had a last min plan to go out for movies in Sunway..So Sunday's the day(14th June).Since last year after SPM I've not been out with any frens>.< hehe!We watched Drag Me To Hell at 11.45am and Night At the Museum at 2.45pm.Both shows we enjoyed so much.As for the horror movie,I almost gave up watching it just at the beginning of the movie!1st time watching horror in the cinemas.Good experience=P After our 2nd movie,we went around walking and looking at wat's nice and interesting..shoes mostly XD I've been quite good alrdy yesterday..nvr spent much cos i really had to control my expenses.I've used up Rm45 just to develop pics from NS,prom,graduation,etc.Then another Rm40+ for personal grooming,Rm48 for books and gifts..Back to the original story,my parents came to pick Nat and I up at 7.30pm and went for dinner at a porridge steamboat restaurant.That covers the whole day i guess.
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