Wow!My last post was a year ago..wat hav i been doin u might ask.haha!If it wasnt for DURIAN's blog alarm aka reminder all the time i wont update it at all=P So thank him if u find this post interesting!I doubt it anyway since it has been a long time after all.OK..recently i just return from my national service training allocated in Papar,Sabah.Exactly the same camp as my elder bro^^Well I'll roughly make a conclusion bout wat happened in camp.19th March to be exact was the departure to sabah,i tried keeping things positive.Strangers evrywhere n of course u'll just hav to find a space to fit in somewhere.1st night was tougher than i thought.Sleeping in a dorm which consists of fully mandarin speaking gals.LOL.That time really dunno them tats y boring le.L8er on only we became good frens(Angeline and Jia Lin)=D Alpha company was wat i wanted from the beginning and i got it.Class name in skol was also tat.haha!So can say i got `jodoh' wit tat.Training evrything was fine,and all classes were also ok.Sometimes would wanna snooze off but couldnt.Scared teacher would just wake u up in a humiliating manner.haha>.< Along the way,there's always time 4 us frens to bond and get closer.Eg;my roomies which i really miss now.All they hav done for me,all the laughter n tears we shed makes us inseparable.(Hui Ling,Ain,Undong,Suzana,Ira(MC Donald's girl=P),Zal,Eqa,and Su)Best dorm evr!DORM 6^^Activities I did there was the one's i've nvr expected myself to overcome.Shooting,marching,flying fox,kembara halangan,kayaking and cooking by the river.Of course u wont have the chance to do it at home.So here's 1 good point of NS.Running out of ideas now=_="This is wat i dread most in writing blogs..hehe!But u do get the picture overall in NS dun u?Faham faham only le!
1 comment:
Wow..may it's rili a year ago la..haha...well, tat's a nice post about NS~everyone of us writing blog about NS...
so memorable la tat place^^
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