Monday, December 28, 2009
Highlights of 2009
~Worked as a teacher helper in Cambridge Kindergarten(1st Job)
~Went for driving lessons
~Done with working!
~Got SPM results
~Passed JPJ driving test
~Off to National Service,Sabah!
~Holidays in KK, Sepitang, Tanjung Aru, and Labuan!
~M16 training and shooting
~Back from National Service
~Bought new HP =)
~New glasses
~Watched Transformers 2:with Family
~Gathering with NS people
~Started college: Taylor's Subang
~Watched Iced Age 3: with Natalie
~International Dance Competition: Shangri-La Hotel
~CPU dress up week
~NS friends reunioun
~High school friends reunion
~Dhamirah's Raya open hs
~Wedding dinner
~ISU presentations
~CPU exams
~CPU exams con't
~Primary school friends gathering
~Grandma's Birthday celebration
~Movie with Dhamirah and Bro
~New Year's Eve!!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Moving On
Live still has to move on even though the sun rises and sets in it's direction. Old relationship dies fast and new ones are easily built. I wont be easily saddened by such phenomenons - waste of time =P
I'm tougher than I actually look! HEHE!
So last day of college classes was 25th November. Fun yet sad at the same time as we get to be together in the same class for 1 hour and 15 minutes only for each class. Below are class pictures for every class with the teacher..
First picture : Computer Science Class (10.30am to 11.45am)
Second picture : Accounting Class (11.45am to 1.00pm)
Third Picture : English 3U Class (2.15pm to 3.30pm)

My exam started on Monday (30th Nov) and ended on Thursday (3rd Dec). Overall I think I did fairly good in computer science but for english, it was a little out. Interpreted the poem wrongly =S
Accounts I just filled up any questions with an answer hoping that the teacher will give me some pitiful marks..haha! End of Canadian Pre-U First Semester. Results will be elaborated on..*fingers crossed! @.@
Wait a minute! Its so boring! Miss classes so much =(
You can guess where i spent most of my home! No problem to me actually but going out on and off is better. Finally 9th December, I met up with my primary school friends who some of them I haven't met in almost 10! Divanesh, Satheesh, Audrey Ho, James Teoh, Pravin, Arrawinthen, Christopher made it a day to cherish. Coincidentally, it was also Audrey's birthday! All of us watched movie which was a last minute decision. Hail to the comedic and corny Couple's Retreat which brought everyone in the whole theater to a unforgettable laughter =)

Happy Birthday Ama! (Dad's side)~ Celebrated on Friday (11th Dec) but I have to idea when is the actual birthday date =S
So sorry! The whole family (excluding some relatives who are residing in Penang and Kuantan that didn't make it) went for seafood in Telok Gong, Klang. Yummy food I tell you..LOL. The birthday cake was Coffee Cheese, not too bad and at least its something different than the one usually ordered, Chocolate Supreme. Ama gave out Ang Pau's to EVERYONE after the cake cutting 'ceremony'. I know not all grandmothers do that but what can I say? My grandma is one in a million! =P hmm lets see how often she does that to me..Chinese New Year, me leaving for NS, me getting good results, my birthday, her birthday, and also when we're out in shopping malls (not often). But whatever it is..XOXO to my beloved grandma.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Double Wedding
Saturday, (18th October)
Why does my Dad suddenly have the mood to get me a gown and however i ended up buying a dress. You know, when we're looking for something, we're not able to find it and when you don't need it, it's always there. That is what happened on this day=S Me and my mum went around Mid Valley trying on anything that looks nice, entering shops like Spade, Envee, Nichii, Salabianca, and Eclipse. Finally we found something from Eclipse but I felt a little guilty for making my dad pay that much=P
enjoy all the pics!

FIRST WEDDING,Sunday(19th October); MY HOUSE


Why does my Dad suddenly have the mood to get me a gown and however i ended up buying a dress. You know, when we're looking for something, we're not able to find it and when you don't need it, it's always there. That is what happened on this day=S Me and my mum went around Mid Valley trying on anything that looks nice, entering shops like Spade, Envee, Nichii, Salabianca, and Eclipse. Finally we found something from Eclipse but I felt a little guilty for making my dad pay that much=P
enjoy all the pics!
FIRST WEDDING,Sunday(19th October); MY HOUSE
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Cookies & Cream OR Chilly & Spices..Hmm?
-3RD OCTOBER 2009-
DHAMIRAH is back from Australia^^She made a surprise visit to my house and i like it!Haha!The next day was her open house(*for wat again?)so we took some pictures together and here's 2 of it.Only few of us managed to attend..1ST pic~Dhami and I,2ND pic~a candid pic(Bryan,Pavi,Dhami,Me,Neesa)
XOXO to friends=D
-6TH OCTOBER 2009-
A broiling hot sunny Tuesday indeed..everything went right-classes,assignments,grades until this happened..
Like WTH right?By the way..its wasn't me who was driving that time if not I'll get the hell load of scolding.LOL.This happened when my mum was on the way to pick me up from college.
So on Wednesday after leaving for college,the car was sent to the workshop and it will be ready either on Friday or Saturday..How did i get home on Wednesday and all the following days to come you may ask?Thats why i have my friend KATHIRA!lol..Truly grateful to her actually.Picking me up from my house,sending me home again after our classes.Thank God it's Friday 2moro(TGI Friday's?=P)
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The Moment you are in tension
You will lose your attention
Then you are in total confusion
And you will feel irritation
Then you will spoil personal relation
Ultimately you wont get co-operation
Then you will turn things into complication
Then your blood pressure may raise caution
And you may have to take medication
Instead,understand the situation
And try to think about the solution
Many problems will be solved by discussion
This will work better in your profession
Don't think it's my free suggestion
It's only for your prevention
If you understand my intention
You will never come again to tension! =D
Friday, September 4, 2009
Stars of Symbol
Sunday, August 30, 2009
I'm Back!
Here's ur updates ppl!
15th August-Had BBQ in neighbour's hs cos they wanted to intro a Japanese gal who they took in for the student exchange programme.Evrytime they have BBQ it will surely rain..some kind of blessing?=P and of course there's a few pics for it!
28th August-My holidays started and it'll be till 7th sept=D Still woke up at 6am to go to college to meet up with my group mates..we've a video to shoot for english.Fren's driver ended up taking us to her hs in section 9.Ps: she's a she showed us all around her hs..full of deco evrywhere.Had pancake with honey and roti jala with curry for lunch and worked in between.There's pics for it too(for our acting n tour around the hs)Im suppose to be an evil character ruling as a dictator,etc.
29th August-Happy B'day mummy!=D finally she let me drive alone..haha!if she didnt let also i would have gone to Subang to pick my bro up and get her a gift.I alrdy planned with my dad n bro so he waited in Subang Parade for me and i took the time to enjoy my ride alone^^Parking was easy too!*not many cars around tats y..haha!When i got a gift then we're outta that place and onto AC to pack some food for lunch..perfect time to go anywhere we like. XD
Surprisingly 2day my dad let me drive to Mid Valley while he sits behind like the boss reading his tuesday task would be driving to The Curve with my mum to meet with my aunt.Happy Independence Day ppl!^^
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Subject Updates
Lets start off with English which I've an average of 81%(4-)
the marks of my essay outline,1st 2nd and final draft,presentation contents,journal vocab,grammar test and many more=P all that is for unit 1 and now we've moved onto unit 2~focusing on the novel "Lord of The Flies".The current assignments would be an essay on the book(1 character,symbol and theme) supposedly 1000 words and more!The biggest project ever would be picking another book which has something to do with the nature of evil and oh my..there's a long list of books to choose from!Have to write and essay on tat and also present it to the class with a slide show only in November.Sounds like a very long time but..serious work!
As for accounts,my average is 85% which includes presentations,written assignments and researches.There will be a 2nd test 2moro(chapter 3 and 4).Wish me luck!=S
anyway guess I've no particular plans for the coming week.Just follow the routines and be random! XD -OUT-
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Tribute to some1..THX!
Haha!2day accounts class was the funniest=P
we were assigned to groups of 4 to present about merchandising and service companies.For the cycle,there were cash,lorries,outlet and customers.Something like tat..dun wanna go into details.Hmm,for cash we used real notes.Yu Jin contributed the 1000 korean won(RM 3)LOL.Pasted tat only the mahjung paper.Next for the outlet,we wanted Giant Hypermarket's logo.I had Giant's mineral bottle and we pasted the logo too.Next,customers!The best part..we used passpost pictures=P Edward dun get mad..hehe.Ur pic was used and another was Georgio(team mate).I got teased,common..Mr.Saint said~"where did this guy come from?" so funny i tell u!No worries k?Evrything can be taken back on Monday since 2moro no class!haha=D gonna be so bored..2 hours 30 mins to the next class (2.15pm)
So wanna say thank you again to Edward..haha!Indirectly helped me..^^
There,finally something bout u in my blog=P
Monday, August 3, 2009
Went to the doctor yesterday..I've MC for 2 days!Dun have to go to college until 2moro =S Fever as high as 39.1 degrees,coughing,sore throat and cant evn talk.I wanna sing along to my fav songs and now see what happened..haha!Its not like i love skipping fact i've been present all the time since college started.Record broken..During my secondary skol days,i purposely go to skol evryday to get the full attendance cert(now my file is full of certs)~scrabble comp,choir comp,drawing comps,moral drama,choral speaking,jump rope comp,secretary of pbsm,librarian,etc.Lol.Tats how crazy i am last time..I continued not skipping skol till form 3 only=P form 4 i missed class only once!Wasted le..come form 5,skip skol almost evrytime after syllabus finished.To be continued..hehe!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Improving Yet Tiring
1 month in college alrdy!The 1st & 2nd week i usually sleep at 10.30,no later than tat but now..2am>.< haha!This week finished assignment was bout [1]company fraud(Accounts) so my group did bout Martha Stewart(company background,what happened,the cost,consequences,etc) in a power point presentation [2]also in power point,a visual presentation with a suitable song which is able to explain social evil.Its in youtube now!haha!
[3]completed my 2nd draft of essay(1036 words) and sent it through the web to scan for plagiarism..swt!This weekend's homework,another set of comprehension(10 mind crushing questions).Just finished 4 sets last weekend=_=" my test results are satisfying to me..accounts did a few mistakes only got 32/37..another assignment on acc that my partner didn't contribute yet got the marks for herself too,WE got 4++ and the 4 sets of comprehension?got all 4's for tat(the highest mark tat can be given)
Enough of college..yesterday went shopping;D bought 2 plain shirts from Dorothy Perkins.Finally spent money.LOL.Mum bought 2 quarts of baskin robbins ice cream since its the 31st of the month=31% discount![mango sorbet and blue raspberry sorbet]The choral speaking competition was going on in Subang Parade(go there with my mum evrytime to w8 for my bro if i finish class earlier than him),reminding me of form 1.We did the same thing as well(2004)~practicing during classes,memorizing 3 pages of lines.Those were the days=D dunno why my skol's so dead now,not joining all this anymore.Maybe its because of the unsupportive principle(Datin) lacing around doing nothing.Lucky im outta there.Even in the canteen,gals cant sit with guys to eat?How ridiculous is tat?The stairs,gals must use 1 and guys the other.Wow..unimaginable!But i still love all my years I've been in tat skol!SMK Bukit Jelutong!hehe^^now bout 2day=P another aunt invited my whole family 4 dinner cause she has her line dancing stuff going on.Boring!
Enough of college..yesterday went shopping;D bought 2 plain shirts from Dorothy Perkins.Finally spent money.LOL.Mum bought 2 quarts of baskin robbins ice cream since its the 31st of the month=31% discount![mango sorbet and blue raspberry sorbet]The choral speaking competition was going on in Subang Parade(go there with my mum evrytime to w8 for my bro if i finish class earlier than him),reminding me of form 1.We did the same thing as well(2004)~practicing during classes,memorizing 3 pages of lines.Those were the days=D dunno why my skol's so dead now,not joining all this anymore.Maybe its because of the unsupportive principle(Datin) lacing around doing nothing.Lucky im outta there.Even in the canteen,gals cant sit with guys to eat?How ridiculous is tat?The stairs,gals must use 1 and guys the other.Wow..unimaginable!But i still love all my years I've been in tat skol!SMK Bukit Jelutong!hehe^^now bout 2day=P another aunt invited my whole family 4 dinner cause she has her line dancing stuff going on.Boring!
awareness charities humanities,
college life,
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Social Evil (my essay)^^
The most notorious social evil ever existed in mankind is racial segregation which is defined as a practice of restricting people to a certain circumscribed areas of residence or to separate institutions and facilities on the basis of race or alleged race. Racial segregation provides a means of maintaining the economic advantages and higher social status of politically dominant races. In fact, racial segregation has appeared in all multi-racial communities, except where racial amalgamation has occurred on a large scale in places such as Hawaii and Brazil. Generally, the government and media influences most social evils that ever took place. The government was seen to be out of touch with the real issues people face and to be ineffective at tackling social problems. The media was criticized for fueling negative and damaging attitudes and behaviors. Racial segregation clearly leads to cruelty unimaginable to those who did not face it. Therefore, racial segregation alone is able to cause commotions and destructions bigger than war.
Evidently, this social evil in the United States can lead to social, economic and political tensions. Back in history, the desire of many whites to avoid having their children attend integrated schools has been a factor in white flight to the suburbs. The United States of America was founded in the 1700s and slaves from Africa were used to work the lands. In 1804, most of the northern states in America banned slavery and wished the Southern states to do the same. However, the Southern states believed that slavery was right and part of their life; it was something they did not want to give up. The Southern states tried to leave America and the American Civil War began. President Abraham Lincoln led the North to victory over the South and in 1865 slavery was banned throughout the whole country. According to the 1847 Virginia Criminal Code, "Any white person who shall assemble with slaves, or free negroes, for the purpose of instructing them to read or write shall be punished by confinement in the jail and by fine". Under this code, Margaret Crittenden Douglass, a former slaveholder, was arrested, imprisoned and fined for teaching free blacks. Thankfully, all these ended as an official practice by efforts of civil rights activists such as Clarence Mitchell and Martin Luther King Jr where their efforts to stop the separation were effective. By 1968, all forms of segregation had been declared unconstitutionally by the Supreme Court. Recent studies shows that groups of homeowners of all races tend to self-segregate in order to be with people of the same education level and race. Many individuals tried to make everyone see the possibilities if all these did not happen, the effects and the future. Even singers like Michael Jackson wrote a song titled “Black or White” to convey a message that it does not matter which race you are. Somehow there are cases where people would be ashamed because their lineage is half of each race. Nowadays, African Americans plays a significant role as mayors, governors, state officials and recently, as the president of the United States where Barack Obama won the hearts of millions and made history, change is promised.
The Jews suffered a whole lot when the Christians and Muslims acted to segregate them. They are forced to wear distinctive clothings to segregate themselves from the Christians in 1204. Not only that, they are obligated to live in separate parts of town for they are considered as unclean creatures. Even going out when it rains is prohibited because the rain would wash the dirt of them which would sully the feet of the Mussulmans. If a Jew is recognized in the streets, he is subjected to the greatest insult. The passer-by would spit in his face and sometimes beat him up, unmercifully. If a Jew shows himself in the street during the three days of the Katel which is the Muharram, he is sure to be murdered without consideration. These are such forms of cruelty, a result of this social evil. In Germany, marriages between Jews and Aryan Germans are not allowed as it is classified as racial difference. In general, race is just defined as a person who has distinct physical characteristics.
During the ruling of the British in Malaysia before the Second World War, they separated the Malays, Chinese, and Indians to different territories. The Malays working on the paddy fields, Chinese people on the mining sites and the Indians on the oil palm plantations and the rubber estates. The main purpose behind those actions is to prevent the races from coming together and communicating to demand for independence. In connection to that, not all children are given education so that they won’t have any ideas about the rights the locals have on ruling their own country. Everybody especially the younger generation must respect and be sensitive towards the aspirations and the rights of others so that there is mutual understanding, which in turn will lead to a greater unity, quoted one of the Malaysian ministers. Racial, cultural and religious differences need not hinder Malaysians from being united but be binding factors to strengthen relationships among the various communities in the country.
As a conclusion, those who are being involved with racial segregation, even giving a slight contribution to it has lost their “moral compass”. This social is really not ineradicable and inevitable; it’s just that the knowledge isn’t there to guide a person to do the right thing. The phrase “social evil” has struck a chord with many people and tapped into their thoughts on the fundamental challenges where people are starting to realize the importance of having a strong foundation in the country which is staying united. As time goes on, history is simply avoided and the future will be kept bright as long as there is no interference with any of these issues. The past should stay as the past and the future be led by the younger generation who will strive on into success but taking note of the past issues just for knowledge so there isn’t any repetition to it.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
2nd week of Hustle @.@
Second week of college(13th to 17th)Hmm..evrything went on smoothly.Got a hold of accounts alrdy!I can understand,but need time to think of certain questions=P
My first english assignment would be an essay about 'Social Evil',so my topics would be racial segregation.On Thursday nite,Kavi + her mum & sis came over to my house for an over night since her dad n my dad's not at home.Daddy went to Genting for some kind of accounting seminar(thur to saturday).On friday after college,mummy and i went to Subang Parade to hang out or to pass time while waiting for my bro to take the train from his college to where we were.For dinner,we packed Nando's!Yummy,my fav=P So during my weekends,for the 1st time im cracking my head for what to write for my essay.Nvr been so stressed bout it>.< Saturday morning,i drove down to Klang with mummy to visit my grandma.2pm only we left for home.Guess there wasnt any hurry is there?At night,didnt go out for dinner.Instead,stayed at home to do my reseach on racial segregation.Phew!Done with it^^
Then comes sunday,the best part of it was only at night from 6pm to 11pm.Me and my family went to Shangri-La Hotel,KL to watch the Asian Dance Xplosion Competition.The 4 tickets were sponsored by my aunt..vry generous of her..hehe!So there was general dancing,hip hop,belly dancing and lyrical dancing?LOL..Dinner was an 8 course meal which started at 8.30!~consisting of (1)Hot and Cold Combination (2)Seafood Beancurd Soup (3)Deep Fried Chicken with Thai Sauce (4)Stewed Broccoli with assorted Mushrooms and Tau Kan (5)Deep Fried Garoupa with sweet and sour Sauce (6)Fried rice with minced chicken and Anchovies (7)Almond Beancurd with Longan (8)Chinese Pancake..hehe!Pics of it below!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Start of College Life & 3rd Outing!
Heheh!Somekind of collection huh?Tats just an indroduction for this post=P
Here comes the real deal!
6TH July-The beginning of a really new chapter in my completing primary and secondary school,this is it!10.30am starts of with orientation until 2pm.
On this day i just made 1 fren~Abby~but i did talk a little with some..haha!
The next day,classes started alrdy!Computer science~Mr.Dale(10.30-11.45),Accounts~Mr.Saint Germain(11.45-1.00),and English~Mr.Stephen Wise(2.15-3.30)=D So this will be my daily routine.Accounts just too much for me to handle!What is tat?Somekind of subject from Mars to me@.@Hmm..on Thursday,HELLO Diva and Satheesh!Its been a vry long time,and now a reunion^^We're just college "neighbours".Been friends since primary skol..So,Evryday I'll be driving to college with my mum beside me n then she'll drive the car home again.When im done then she'll come then i'll take over the car=)Simple as tat..hehe=P
Friday,i stayed back in college till 5.30pm for a workshop(we,the newbies are suppose to attend 4 out of 8).During the session,Nat asked me out wat i did was ask my dad through SMS.Haha!It worked anyway=)
Reached home at 6.15pm n rushed to get ready 4 nat to come pick me up..She drove us both to Sunway Pyramid to catch Iced Age 3in the cinema.Our movie starts at 9pm and ended at 10.45?Yeah..something like tat.Dinner b4 tat was at Subway(my 1st time eating there)So,this is such fun having a girl's night out!I would wanna do it often but depends le.Look at out Subway mess below..haha! the end of this week,my new friends are Jason(China),Yu Jin(Korea),Su Ping(local),Yi Ru(local),Natalia(local)..etc.Im not tat good in remembering names>.<
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