Its Friday! And for once I'm not thinking of TGIF (not the restaurant!). These past few days were some what productive. Been studying more than ever compared to other exams I had before this. However it's still very little of it. So you can actually imagine how much I've done. Dad came home from India yesterday morning around 7am. Didnt even hear the door bell rang and Angel barking while I was sleeping. Im in a 'dead' sleep! He brought home many bars of long chocolates, shawls for Mum and a T-shirt for me. That'll totally do. So at night I wrote in the diary again after 2 months! It's so easy to write..wrote non stop in it and I got 2 whole pages out of it. Of course what's in there won't be revealed in this blog. The diary is more of a private thing that only I would know. So if you can actually get your hands on it, I'm doomed!
Today was a fine day. Although it started off rough. Was late to send bro to work..he starts at 12 and we left house only at 11.43. Forgotten my phone and had to turn around to get it. We did reached on the nick of time, 11.57am!(To Subang btw). Ate at MED with Sue Ling, studied a while, moved over to CPU lounge, did some QM, bubble tea with Lourene Beh and Jeremy and we're done for the day! Just watched a movie; The Time Travelers's Wife. Such a different take on a love story. Some parts can seem to be a little confusing but love it =D Yeah so now that relax time is over and it's raining heavily, I'm fighting the urge to have an early night to sleep. These few days have been really late. 3am without fail. It won't be any different today as well. Haha. Thats all I have for this post. Adios!
Inspiration of the day. Joey McIntyre- Stay The Same