Exam Weeks and more
2 exams down, 3 more to go! I can already taste the freedom. =D English exam was..just English. Microecons wasn't as bad as expected. Big relieve! Was actually wearing 3 layers of clothes during exam. Suddenly I fell sick..flu and terrible sore throat which is no help in the exam today. Bro also same case but less flu with fewer. This is my first time for this year! Great timing -.- I've got only 3 days to get myself back in shape and revise for accounts which is the only subject I've not started. Bro came back from Singapore yesterday after a one days' trip for job interview. He bought me a bottle of cocktail! =) My very first..haha!
He be off by next month again. Thats the only updates I have till now.
Dad asked me to help bro to write a resignation letter for his current job in Italiannies. So all I did was Google and stumbled upon this pic of an letter example. Lol. Thats the only updates I have so far. Goodnight ^^
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