Friday, September 24, 2010

Symptoms of an Epic Failure

1. Presentation in class which I wont elaborate. I bet everyone's heard enough of it already =P

2. What's with the honk today? Seriously, I didn't do anything. It's just people behind being impatient Malaysians. Not once but four times! And all four, Thomas was there -.-

3. Opening a box of soya bean drink (1000 ml), took out the seal already. Then saw something white, thought the soya bean hardened already. Alerted my dad and his reaction was just: 'cut la'. I was like..cut wat? It's just a piece of solid box now. After that only I realized that there's another transparent layer.

4. There's this guy just now asking me.. never text your bf is it? *Since when I had one?* Can I text when you're free? *Im nvr free except for today. Luck.* Call? *hehhe =D* straight away went offline on FB after that! Get a life man -.-

Best moment today was the lunch in Nirvana.Most of us were new to each other. Them not me.
Yes, its a great way to spend time when you're too free in a worthy way.
So I'll say cheers to this part for today's events that are so fudged up. =D

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